Role-based access control

Condens provides the following user roles to manage access to data and permissions:

  • Administrators can manage users and billing, see and edit all projects and workspaces

  • Non-Research Administrators can manage users, billing and workspaces. They see all workspaces and data but can't edit any data and don't count towards used seats.

  • Researchers can see and edit projects and data of the workspaces they are invited to. They can also invite other researchers and stakeholders by default. This can be configured in Settings in the Workspace tab by toggling 'Researchers can invite new users'.

  • Full Access Stakeholders can view all data in a workspace but don't have editing rights and don't count towards used seats. They can browse projects, read notes and transcripts, view all Highlights and Participants, search and add comments. This role is only available for the Team, Business and Enterprise plan.

  • Stakeholders can view, but not edit published Artifacts (results with selected raw data) via the dedicated stakeholder repository—the Insights Magazine. They also don't count towards used seats.

  • Inactive users can't log into Condens and don't count towards your maximum active users quota. Set a user inactive, when you only want to revoke access for some time, as inactive users can be reactivated at any time.

  • Deleted users are removed from all workspaces and cannot log into Condens. You can't undo this action. The user will not be notified about their account being deleted.

User Groups

User Groups are available in the enterprise subscription plan.

To bulk manage access permissions to Projects and Magazines, you can use User Groups. This makes tracking users, permissions, and seats easier. Simply go to SETTINGS and select User groups. From there, you can create groups and add members. For example, for different teams, subsidiaries, or other stakeholder groups.

Then, for each Project or Magazine, you can assign access to the entire User Group in a few clicks, making it easy to ensure the right people can access the right insights. Click the when viewing a Project to specify Project access to a specific User Group.

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