Compare Condens to EnjoyHQ

If you are looking for an EnjoyHQ alternative or are simply comparing the two tools we put together some information to help inform your decision. A core difference between the two is this: While EnjoyHQ focuses on the repository itself, Condens puts the analysis capabilities first in order to create a better repository. Read more about the design decisions behind Condens on our blog.

The top 5 reasons why researchers choose Condens over EnjoyHQ

1. Affinity diagramming

In Condens you make sense of data and connect the dots in a visual way. Use drag and drop to arrange highlights just as you know from working with physical posits on a wall. This sparks your sensemaking processes and is easy to pick up for stakeholders thereby making Condens the ideal place for live collaboration.
„Affinity mapping is the essential tool that brings us from tagged evidence to findings.”
Photo of Mindy Harrell
Mindy Harrell
Senior UX Researcher at Hepsiburada
„Affinity mapping is the essential tool that brings us from tagged evidence to findings.”
Photo of Mindy Harrell
Mindy Harrell
Senior UX Researcher at Hepsiburada

2. A flexible synthesis process

Good insights can come up any second. While you go through the raw data in Condens to tag it you can already start to form insights and build a presentation in parallel. Just open the report as a split-screen to note down ideas and build clusters in an iterative way. So instead of being strictly linear, Condens offers a flexible synthesis process that feels more natural.
„With the split screen you can tag raw data and immediately connect it to findings. It makes things super quick.”
Photo of Merche Gómez Sánchez
Merche Gómez Sánchez
UX Designer at ShortCut Studio
„With the split screen you can tag raw data and immediately connect it to findings. It makes things super quick.”
Photo of Merche Gómez Sánchez
Merche Gómez Sánchez
UX Designer at ShortCut Studio

3. Live collaboration

Work on documents simultaneously, for example, to take notes live during a session or synthesize data as a team. You can see where others are working and jump to that position to join immediately. This facilitates real-time teamwork both in remote and in-person settings.
„I particularly like how you can see who is currently active on which page. It allows us to see each others notes as they are happening.”
Photo of Kayla Svoboda
Kayla Svoboda
User Researcher at Freeletics
„I particularly like how you can see who is currently active on which page. It allows us to see each others notes as they are happening.”
Photo of Kayla Svoboda
Kayla Svoboda
User Researcher at Freeletics

4. Easy to learn - easy to use

To facilitate onboarding, Condens is designed with ease of use in mind and provides an easy to understand structure that guides even inexperienced researchers through their research projects. Still, experienced users can master the tool and work efficiently with lots of shortcuts and AI-assisted tagging.
„Condens makes tagging and structuring data really easy, even for people who never went through this process before.”
Photo of Raffaella Roviglioni
Raffaella Roviglioni
Head of Discovery at Fifthbeat
„Condens makes tagging and structuring data really easy, even for people who never went through this process before.”
Photo of Raffaella Roviglioni
Raffaella Roviglioni
Head of Discovery at Fifthbeat

5. Share findings instantly

Making research results accessible from Condens requires literally just the click of a button. Your audience can simply open a link in their browser - no user account required. You decide what to include in shared findings and remain in control as you can unpublish findings any time, add a password protection or hide participant names.
„We’re able to send everyone a link to get an understanding of the main findings in a few minutes. And that’s all you need to know as a product team most of the time.”
Photo of Jonah McLachlan
Jonah McLachlan
Head of UX at Sport Buff
„We’re able to send everyone a link to get an understanding of the main findings in a few minutes. And that’s all you need to know as a product team most of the time.”
Photo of Jonah McLachlan
Jonah McLachlan
Head of UX at Sport Buff

Switching from EnjoyHQ?

Condens is the research repository that doesn’t mess with your budget. And you can keep all your research data as you move from EnjoyHQ to Condens. Let us show you how.

Unique features

Honestly, we're no fans of comparing tools on a mere feature basis. At the same time we understand that a certain functionality can be critical for you. So we assembled a list of features that either of the tools has exclusively. But remember that there is so much more that shapes the experience of a tool than just its features and software changes rapidly nowadays.

Last updated: February, 2022

Exclusively with EnjoyHQ

Automated tagging
Automatically assign tags based on keywords or other predefined rules.
Sentiment analysis
Automatic text analysis to determine whether it expresses positive or negative sentiment.
Saved Searches
Bookmark reports or evidence you want to remember for future research.
Native integrations that connect to Zendesk, App Store, Play Store and Twitter.

Exclusively with Condens

Video clips & highlight reels
Easily combine single clips to highlight reels with drag & drop. All media files are downloadable. Learn more
Stakeholder Repository
A dedicated interface for stakeholders to browse and explore existing research. Learn more
AI-assisted tagging
Structure data by attaching tags to notes and files. AI-based suggestions ensure a smooth workflow. Learn more
Hosting in EU-based data centers
Data is processed and stored exclusively in data centers within the European Union. Learn more
Workspaces with dedicated access
Grant users access to individual workspaces - great for agencies working for different clients. Learn more
Connect to Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Cloud Storage including Sharepoint.

What our customers say

As a designer doing ethnographic research I enjoy that Condens provides such a visual, colorful and intuitive user experience.
Picture of Valentina de la Garza
Valentina de la Garza
Industrial Designer
We've developed a hashtag among our UX team at Moz, #BeLikeCondens, because dang if their commitment to swift, useful improvements isn't impressive. It's something to strive for.
Picture of Tonya Ricks
Tonya Ricks
UX Designer at Moz
Condens allows me to keep track of even extensive user research data and not lose focus. The ability make references across participants has enabled me to work better and faster.
Picture of Annika Fähnle
Annika Fähnle
Product Manager at Plantura
Normally tagging was the most painful part in research. Now I enjoyed that process for the first time.
Picture of Harshada Desai
Harshada Desai
Founder and Design Researcher at theObservatory
A great research analysis tool. Easy to use and pretty complete.
Picture of Raffaella Roviglioni
Raffaella Roviglioni
Head of Discovery at Fifthbeat
I am a visual person - Condens helps me a lot to make sense of qualitative data and structure them in a fast way.
Picture of Frauke Seewald
Frauke Seewald
UX Design Consultant
Condens is what I’ve been looking for as a user researcher for a long time.
Picture of Thomas Fortmann
Thomas Fortmann
User Researcher at WATTx
Using Condens makes me much faster. I have all data in one view and don’t need to switch tabs.
Picture of Simona Maccarrone
Simona Maccarrone
UX Researcher at Matmatch
In contrast to Word I can build my own structure while analyzing data. That helps me to find things faster and is a huge time saver.
Picture of Lisa Holschen
Lisa Holschen
Senior UX Researcher at Europace

Ready to try Condens yourself? Try Condens 15 days for free!