
From Basics to Best Practices :
Introduction to Research Repositories

Learn more about the underlying concept, its potential, and the strategic approach to selecting the ideal research repository for your organization

Explore the Power of Research Repositories

Is your user research scaling up? And with it, the amount of data scattered across multiple locations, duplicated studies, inconsistent documentation, and lack of collaboration? Then it might be a good time to explore the idea of a research repository. Let us guide you through this process by helping you answer the following questions:

  • What is a research repository, and how can you maximize its utility?

  • Do you require a research repository, and what accomplishments can it unlock?

  • How can you make an informed choice and select the ideal tool?

Who’s This Guide For?

People involved in and responsible for user research, who seek to dive deeper into the topic of research repositories: ResearchOps, UX Researchers, UX Designers, and Product Managers.
"This Research Repositories Guide is a super solid piece of work and a great baseline introduction to repositories."
Picture of Emily DiLeo
Emily DiLeo
Senior ResearchOps Project Specialist at Yara International
"Finally, a Research Repository Guide that advocates for a revolution in research! This guide showcases best practices for democratization and lays the foundation for future benefits across the product portfolio."
Picture of Anastasia Sternberg
Anastasia Sternberg
UX Research Consultant at Curivox Co.

What’s Inside?

Our guide navigates you step-by-step through the process of choosing a research repository tailored to your unique needs. We’ve created three concise blocks, giving you valuable insights on repositories.
Block 1

What is a research repository?

  • Unveiling the need for a research repository

  • Reaping the benefits of repository tools

  • Glimpsing into repository capabilities

  • Expert Deep Dive: Repository Adoption and Engagement

  • Spotlight on ZEISS's success with Condens as a research repository

Block 2

How to choose a research repository?

  • Evaluating key goals and priorities 

  • Assessing the needs of your team

  • Formulating repository feature requirements

  • Creating an ideal tool shortlist

  • Evaluating tools with demos and trials

  • From options to action: making the final decisions and paving the way for effective onboarding

Block 3

Templates and tips

  • Research repository elements: a complete framework

  • Six goals behind a repository framework

  • Three key considerations for research repositories

  • Four steps for conducting a team needs assessment

  • Customizable template for maximizing the value of a tool demo

  • Ultimate research repository selection checklist

What You’ll Take Away from This Guide

Whether you're seeking information on research repositories or preparing to choose one, this guide provides practical insights, actionable tips, and further resources to help you make the right decision.

The essential concept of research repositories

Gain a full grasp of research repositories, including their core objectives, pitfalls to avoid, and a spotlight on a successful repository implementation example.

A step-by-step guide to choosing the right tool

Learn more about the six key steps to select the ideal repository, incorporating valuable guidance on aligning tool functionality with your company's objectives and needs.

Customizable resources to simplify your choice

Grab our template and a checklist to confidently select a UX research repository and get best practices from our five years of experience with research repositories.

Fill Out the Form to Download the Research Repository Guide!

Learn how to centralize all your research data, streamline processes, and make your insights accessible