Whatfix Fully Utilizes and Seamlessly Communicates Their Research with Condens

Whatfix Fully Utilizes and Seamlessly Communicates Their Research with Condens

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North America
Company size
500 - 1000

The Challenges

  • Whatfix lacked a secure, centralized place to store research data
  • Research was siloed and unnecessarily replicated
  • Insights and findings weren’t effectively communicated

The Solution

  • Role-based access ensures participant privacy
  • Effective tagging makes research easy to find and cross-reference
  • Condens' Slack integration makes sharing research effortless

The Results

  • Everyone knows that Condens is the go-to place to get answers
  • Whatfix’s research is fully utilized cross functionally
  • Sharing findings is super simple, and senior leaders stay informed

About the company

Whatfix is a leading digital adoption platform (DAP) that helps enterprises enhance user productivity and experience, driving higher ROI from their digital investments. Its product suite offers data-driven decision-making, hyper-realistic immersive training, and application adoption for web, mobile, and desktop, enabling change management and learning in the flow of work. Together, these products improve cost efficiency, boost user productivity, and increase engagement to maximize the value of digital tools and positively impact business outcomes.

With a team of over 900 employees working from seven offices on four different continents, Whatfix boasts a large and diverse team that works both in specific pods as well as cross-functionally. To ensure all colleagues have easy access to research data that helps them drive customer-centric product development, Adelina Longoria, Director of UX Research, realized they needed a central place to store, analyze, and share their research findings.

Adelina Longoria
Director Of User Experience (UX) Research
Users in Condens
Number of Projects
Published Artifacts

The Challenges

Prior to Adelina joining the team, Whatfix didn’t have a dedicated UX research team, and user research was carried out primarily by Product Designers when necessary. Whatfix’s Product Designers often work in different pods, carrying out their own research. And in the time of BC (Before Condens), they stored their research in Google Workspace as spreadsheets, Google Docs, or Google Slides. This made it difficult for Product Designers in other pods to access the research as it would get siloed. And they oftentimes wouldn’t even know that the research had been conducted, leading to Product Designers repeating research that had already been done.

„We were oftentimes doing research or asking questions that had already been answered. So I started looking at potential solutions that would help us bring everything together.“

Observing this, Adelina realized that they needed a central place to store all their research data and a way to make it easily accessible to anyone who needed it, regardless of their level of knowledge and experience doing research.

Adelina was also looking for the best way to share and effectively communicate research insights with other stakeholders and teams. If possible, she hoped to utilize one of their existing communication channels so that research findings could be shared using a framework that everyone was already familiar with.

Keeping these requirements in mind, Adelina started researching various solutions and eventually found that Condens fit the bill.

The Solution

On a foundational level, Whatfix needed a solution that would help them facilitate research analysis while maintaining a flexible research process. They needed one place to store all of their data and make it accessible to a large group of stakeholders (all with varying levels of knowledge and competencies when it comes to doing research) while maintaining the privacy of their research participants.

They found that Condens met all of their fundamental requirements in terms of having a safe and accessible place to store their research data. And with the option of multiple integrations, it also allowed them to easily communicate their research findings using Slack, their primary communication channel.

Condens’ Stakeholder Repository

By activating their Stakeholder Repository, Adelina and her team can display all their published Artifacts and highlight the ones they want to showcase more prominently to their stakeholders. They’re also able to protect the privacy of research participants by taking precautionary measures like hiding participant names and using Condens’ role-based access control to manage who has access to data and permissions in the repository.

Accessible Research Data

Whatfix makes great use of Condens’ tagging capabilities, like using Project Tags and Global Tags to make finding the research they need a seamless experience. They also use tags to cross-reference insights across different studies in order to reach new conclusions and make sure that relevant research is well-utilized and doesn’t fall through the cracks.

Seamless Communication

Using Condens’ Slack integration and Single Sign-On (SSO) functionality, Whatfix can easily communicate their research findings using their preferred communication channel and give stakeholders immediate access to relevant research reports. For example, they send video reels sharing insights such as their customers’ pain points and needs from Condens to stakeholders in Slack.

„The real value of Condens is in bringing research insights closer to stakeholders so that they can utilize them in decision making.“

Cost-friendly Price

Once Adelina confirmed that Condens met all of their requirements as a potential research repository for her team, Condens’ affordability made it stand out above the other options. She ultimately decided that Condens was the best solution to help her team structure and share their research data, without breaking the bank.

The Results

Since its introduction to the Whatfix team, Condens has proven to be a tool that is straightforward and easy for even newbies to figure out and use well.

This has resulted in the fulfillment of several outcomes that Adelina hoped to achieve by introducing a new research repository. And now everyone on the Whatfix team knows that Condens is the place to go to get their questions answered.

Research Is Organized and Easily Accessible

Whatfix used Condens to streamline their research process by creating templates that their team members use when taking notes. This allows them to not only keep all of their research in one place but also to collect all of their notes in a structured and consistent format.

They also store and analyze all of their moderated research (such as interviews) in Condens. Making it easier for them to analyze the research using Condens’ tagging capabilities, and keep their research organized so that people with varying levels of knowledge and experience can easily access it.

Research Results are Easy to Communicate

Sharing research findings with stakeholders is now super easy because all of their reports are in one place and connected to communication channels like Slack. Adelina created a Slack channel for their research insights where researchers can share Condens’ findings, such as reports or single highlights, and each published item appears in that particular Slack channel.

Adelina also emphasized that all the senior leaders are in that channel, and they actually read all of the reports that are published. So they all stay clued in on the feedback and insights from their customers.

Existing Research Is Fully Utilized

Whatfix’s R&D department works in various pods, each focusing on different aspects of their product. But though they function as separate pods, they're all interconnected. Therefore, sometimes research insights are relevant to team members in different pods who may not even be aware that the research is being conducted.

To keep everyone in the loop, researchers input all their notes in Condens, tag their team members who can benefit from the research, and say, “Hey, this is an important thing for you to see!”

Whatfix also uses Condens to search across projects to find research from previous studies that can be reappropriated and used in new projects.

„The great thing about Condens is that it allows you to search across projects and see if anything was already said about a specific topic. So we’re able to reuse things that we’ve previously heard and learned.“

Real-Life Application

At Whatfix, teams work in pods to develop emerging areas of their product. But sometimes the pods don’t have a dedicated researcher or designer to support them. In such cases, the pods benefit from research that, though carried out for other projects, is also relevant to what they are working on.

Adelina experienced the benefits of using Condens to share research with her colleague in another pod while conducting participant research related to Whatfix’s mobile version of their product.

In this particular instance, Adelina was carrying out an in-person observation at a customer site to collect data on their mobile needs. She was able to capture a lot of great insights related to an important persona, which she subsequently uploaded to Condens. She then tagged a product manager who didn’t have as much time and resources to do the research himself, knowing that he would benefit a lot from the insights that she had captured on video.

He was able to go into Condens and easily access the research, after which he shared that the research was very helpful for what he was currently working on.

Adelina considered this a huge win because they were able to reuse insights and research in more ways than they had originally intended by sharing them with team members who had less time, resources, and access to participants to gain insights from. For a small company, she considered this to be a very efficient use of their resources.

Want to learn more about UX research repositories? Explore Condens' introductory guide to research repositories, and then check out how to set up an effective research taxonomy that will keep your data organized and easily accessible!

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