UX research conference guide 2022

There is a newer version, which contains a complete list of user research conferences taking place in 2022 - either in-person, fully online or in a hybrid form which allows to join in-person or online.
Go to 2022 guide

UX Research conference guide for 2021

Whether you’re looking to level up your research skills, get inspired by experts in the field or make new friends in research - conferences a great way to do all of it. This guide lists the user research conferences taking place in 2021. Early bird tickets with reduced prices are available for many events already.

2020 was a difficult year for probably everyone and definitely for conference organizers. And it’s still uncertain how events in 2021 will look like. What we know is that most major conferences take place early in the year and all of them are fully virtual. We will see whether in-person conferences are possible towards the second half of 2021.

This guide focuses on pure UX research conferences and doesn’t include general UX conferences on purpose. Did we miss one? Let us know via hello@condens.io and we will add it.

Since most conferences are virtual and allow participation from anywhere in the world, we added information about when the main talks are happening in different time zones. Here’s what the emojis mean:

6 am - 9 am
9 am - 6 pm
6 pm - 11 pm
11 pm - 6 am

QRCA Annual Conference

Date: February 1-5, 2021 - main talks are between 12-4pm EST Location: Fully virtual Theme: Diversify. Discover. Design the Vision Price: Ticket prices start from $400 / 330€ (student discounts available) Website: https://www.qrca.org/page/annual-conference
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
The research conference year starts with the event organized by the Qualitative Research Consultants Association. The QRCA annual conference traditionally has a strong focus on market research but covers all things qualitative research. The event will be fully virtual for the first time in 2021. In 4-hour blocks spread over 5 days, there will be keynotes and interactive workshops including networking opportunities across time zones.

UXRConf Anywhere

Date: February 24-26, 2021 - 11am - 6pm EST Location: Fully virtual Theme: tba Price: $99 / 80€ Website: https://uxrconference.com/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
UXRConf became UXConf Anywhere in 2020 for the first time as the format switched to a virtual setting. The last program covered a diverse set of topics from empathy in research to the obstacles as a solo researcher and new approaches to personas. UXRConf is the most affordable event on our list and calls itself the largest UX research conference in the world.

Advancing Research

Date: March 10-12, 2021 - exact times not announced yet Location: Fully virtual Theme: Advancing our field, advancing practitioners and teams, advancing our business impact Price: $500-1200 / 400-1000€ Website: https://rosenfeldmedia.com/advancing-research-2021/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
After its debut in 2020, Advancing Research will be back with a virtual conference in 2021. Curated by Jamika Burge, Steve Portigal, and the team from Rosenfeld Media, this event is all about advancing the research practice. In order to enhance the social experience throughout the conference, attendees will be matched in small facilitated groups.

Design Research

Date: March 17-19, 2021 - main talks are between 9am - 12pm Australia time Location: Fully virtual Theme: tba Price: $370 / 300€ Website: http://www.uxaustralia.com.au/conferences/design-research-2021/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
Design Research usually takes place in Australia but is fully virtual this time. While the program isn’t released yet it will consist of presentations in the morning followed by practical workshops in the afternoon. The organizers already announced that Indi Young will hold the opening keynote. Note that workshop tickets have to be purchased separately from the conference ticket.

UX Insight Festival

Date: April 14-16, 2021 - main talks are between 9am - 6pm CET Location: Fully virtual Theme: Learning through failing Price: $180 / 150€ Website: https://uxinsight.org/festival-2021/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
Europe’s largest user research conference is opening its (virtual) doors again and invites attendees from anywhere in the world to join. Besides the talks and workshops, UX Insight Festival stands out with its interactive sessions that help you make new research friends. In 2020, the ResearchOps community contributed to the program with special talks and we’re looking forward to see if this will be the case as well in 2021.

GamesUR Summit North America

Date: May 20-21, 2021 - exact times not announced yet Location: Fully virtual Theme: tba Price: Ticket prices not announced yet Website: https://gamesurconf.com/us/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
After GamesUR did not take place in 2020, the organizers announced on Twitter that it will be back as an online event in 2021. There is no information about the event’s theme and program yet.

Radical Research Summit

Date: September 27-30, 2021 - main talks between 9am - 4pm EST Location: Fully virtually Theme: Encouraging content that engages the technological and social movements that we are living through at this unique time Price: tba Website: https://2021.radicalresearchsummit.com/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
The 5th Annual Research Summit will be held over 4 days in 2h-segments optimized for an online conference. The conference offers a UX research deep-dive and will focus on UX topics around engaging technological and social movements this time. The event is organized by research practitioners from Spatial Research & Design, focused on the North American UX Research community.

Magnify Conference

Date: October 5-7 & 12-14, main talks are between 3pm - 9pm UK time Location: Fully virtually Theme: The Inclusive Design + Research Conference Price: 15-70 USD Website: https://www.magnifyconference.com/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
This will be the first conference fully specialized on the intersection of User Research and Inclusive Design. The first Magnify conference will be held entirely online. The conference team aims to push the work towards equity, elevate voices, challenge power, and enable social justice by discussing, connecting, and learning in the field of UX design and research.


Date: October 11-15 (Learning & Networking) & 18-21 (Main Program) Location: Fully virtually Theme: Anticipation - There are no future facts. Price: 350$ / 500$ USD Website: https://2021.epicpeople.org/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
The EPIC2021 conference will be a virtual, global event held from San Jose, California, USA. EPIC is a nonprofit organization that promotes the practices of ethnographers (e.g., user researchers, UX designers, strategists, and other roles) and invites them to its 17th yearly conference. “Anticipation” is the theme that covers diverse ideas around how research that focuses on understanding people today can intentionally shape future possibilities.

UXinsight Unfolds 2021

Date: November 11, main talks are between 11 am - 5:30 pm CET Location: Fully virtually Theme: Making UX Research more inclusive Price: 69$ / 59€ Website: https://uxinsight.org/uxinsight-unfolds-2021/
US west coast
US east coast
Africa & Europe
Central Asia
E. Asia & Australia
UXinsight Unfolds invites experienced UX practitioners to discuss and share their stories around Inclusive UX Research: “The purpose is not to tell you why inclusivity is so important, but instead how to take positive steps to ensure your research is inclusive and works for everyone.” The conference will be held entirely online with sessions between 11 am and 6 pm CET.

Past research conferences that haven’t announced an event for 2021 yet:

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