Creating and Working with Smart Clusters

You can now create Smart Clusters in Condens. Smart Clusters look like normal Clusters, but have aicon in the upper left hand corner.

Unlike normal Clusters, the content of Smart Clusters cannot be added manually. Instead, they are automatically filled using filters and will also automatically update as new content is added to Condens that matches the filter requirements.

Using filters to set up a Smart Cluster

Smart Clusters can be embedded in any Artifact and can either be filled with Highlights or Artifacts.

If you choose Highlights as the content of your Smart Cluster, you then need to choose whether it should include only the Highlights in the project you're working on, or all the Highlights according to Global Tags.

If you choose Artifacts as the content of your Smart Cluster, you need to choose whether it should include only the Artifacts in the project you're working on, or all the Published Artifacts.

After adding in the filters, you can then sort the content based on your needs.

There are several sorting options possible, in addition to a Custom sorting option. When you choose the custom sorting option, you then have the ability to resort the content as you like.

Not all sorting options available in other Condens features are available in Smart Clusters


Using Tags to create a Smart Cluster

If you'd like to share the contents of an entire Tag with your stakeholders, you can do so by dragging + dropping either an entire Tag group or individual Tags into an Artifact.

This automatically creates a Smart Cluster with the filter settings already set up and in play.


Smart Cluster limitations

A few things to be aware of when working with Smart Clusters.

  1. You can't drag content outside a Smart Cluster inside. You also can't remove content from a Smart Cluster. Any content that is dragged outside of a Smart Cluster will become a copy and still remain inside the Smart Cluster.

  2. You can turn a Smart Cluster into a Manual Cluster. This is helpful if you want to freeze it in it's current state instead of having it automatically update itself.

  3. Once you make manual changes to a Cluster that used to be a Smart Cluster, it can no longer be changed back into a Smart Cluster.

  4. Smart Clusters are limited to containing a maximum of 500 items. If the content that you are sorting exceeds 500 items, the first 500 items that match your sorting requirements (i.e. alphabetical order) will be included.

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