Database of participants
Go to
in the menu on the left to see the list of participants. Clicking on a participant will show participant information, attached files and the history of interaction with that person.
Participant information fields
Participant information fields let you enter structured information for the people in the Participant Pool. This enables several use cases such as
storing contact information like email or phone number centrally accessible for the research team
tracking administrative tasks like whether a consent form was signed or how much compensation was paid to monitor tax thresholds
quickly finding participants for the next study e.g. based on user segment, products they use, their preferred device type, company size or industry
You can add custom participant information fields to track the data that is relevant to your organization. Creating a new information field automatically adds it to the template and makes it visible for existing and new participants thereby helping to ensure data consistency.
The search bar in the
tab lets you find people based on participant information or change the way the list is sorted.Connect participants to sessions
Every session in a research project has session information field. You can use it to create a new participant directly from there or connect an existing participant to that session. Linking a research session to a participant makes this session appear in the history of interactions with that person.
A session can have multiple participants associated with it e.g. for group interviews.

Data segmentation across projects
You can use participant information to filter and segment research data not only within a research project but also across projects. This enables to answer overarching questions like 'What are the pain points of our most frequent users?' or 'What are the most common feature requests of our financial industry customers?'.
Note: You can use data segmentation even if you don't use the peoples' real names for the Participant Pool. Just enter a pseudonym for the name and use non-personally identifiable information like industry or persona for the participant information fields.
Bulk-edit participants
Select participants in the participant panel and select the bulk action in the bar on the top.
Bulk upload participant data
When you have structured research data from a participant panel list already available, you can bulk-import this data and create multiple Participants at once.
We support bulk-importing for CSV, Excel, or Google Sheets files. Find a detailed step-by-step guide on bulk uploading participant data here.
Bulk update participant fields
If you have a spreadsheet file with your updated participant list, you can import it and bulk update your participant pool without duplicating existing ones.
In order to do that, you only need to select the "Condens ID" participant field as the ID by simply clicking on the
button next to the column. If the Condens ID already exists, the fields will be updated with the new information, and if the ID value does not exist already, a new participant will be created.