Okta: Create Condens SSO App

On the Admin page on the left click Applications > Applications. Then press Create App Integration. In the opened dialog, select SAML 2.0 as sign in method and then click Next. As the App Name, enter any name, for example Condens, and then click Next.

In the next step, copy the information from the dialog in Condens into Okta:

  • SP Entity ID in Condens Audience URI (SP Entity ID) in Okta

  • SP Login URL in Condens Single sign on URL in Okta

Under Attribute Statements in Okta enter the following two:

  • Name: first_name, Value: user.firstName

  • Name: last_name, Value: user.lastName

After that press Next, select I'm an Okta customer adding an internal app, and then click Finish.


To get the information you need to enter in Condens from Okta, click on View SAML setup Instructions and copy the following data into the dialog in Condens:

  • Identity Provider Single Sign-On URL in Okta → IdP Login URL in Condens

  • Identity Provider Issuer in Okta → IdP Entity ID in Condens

  • X.509 Certificate in Okta → Certificate in Condens

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