Duo: Create Condens SSO App

  1. Open Duo and go to Applications.

  2. Select Protect an Application.

  3. Search for Generic Service Provider. For the row that has Single Sign-On in the Protection Type, select Protect.

  4. Copy the values from Condens into Duo:

    • SP Entity ID in Condens Entity ID in Duo

    • SP Login URL in Condens ACS URL in Duo

  5. Ensure NameID format is set to urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress.

  6. Ensure NameID attribute is set to <Email Address>.

  7. Ensure Signature algorithm is set to SHA256.

  8. For Signing options, ensure both Sign response and Sign assertion are checked.

  9. Under Map attributes, configure the following:

    • <Email Address> → email

  10. Under Settings, update Name to Condens.

  11. In Permitted groups, select the group you wish to have access to Condens.

  12. Copy the values from Duo into Condens:

    • Single Sign-On URL in Duo → IdP Login URL in Condens

    • Entity ID in Duo → IdP Entity ID in Condens

    • Certificate in Duo → Certificate in Condens

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