What happens after your free trial ends

After your free trial of Condens has ended you have two options: Purchasing a plan to continue using it or not purchasing.

Purchasing to continue using Condens

If you liked Condens and want to continue using it you can purchase a subscription. If you are a freelancer you also have the option to buy per project.

Once you have completed the purchase you can continue using your account.

Not purchasing Condens (for now)

If you decide not to purchase Condens - or at least not yet - you don’t have to do anything. Your data remains in Condens after the trial ends and will not be deleted. Your account will automatically go to a “read-only” mode, which means you can still see all your data but not make any changes. Also, your shared Artifacts will not be available anymore.

If you decide to purchase at a later point in time you can continue working on your data.

If you want us to delete your account and all its data write us a message to hello@condens.io.

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