Let's Meet Up Virtually: UX Research Meetup & Event Guide July 2024

Let's Meet Up Virtually: UX Research Meetup & Event Guide July 2024

July 1, 2024

Check out the virtual talks, meetups, networking events, and conferences around UX Research coming up in July!

This guide focuses on pure UX Research events and doesn’t include general UX events on purpose. We also focus primarily on events that are held in English. Most of these meetups are free, but there are also some that have a fee.

Did we miss one? Let us know via hello@condens.io and we'll be happy to add it!

Jul 09

The Wise Approach - Turning User Interviews into Conversations 🆓

Date: Tue, July 9, 2024 at 4:00 PM (UTC) · 45 min
Organized by: Airtime
Price: Free

"Running effective user interviews is not just about what you ask, but how. Turning a potentially rigid Q&A into a seamless conversation, you can help your participants open up, which allows you to unlock deeper insights.

In our webinar on July 9th, we'll explore how she prepares discussion guides in a dialogue form and the techniques she uses to create a conversational atmosphere."

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Jul 10

Learn How to Run Simple UX Tests to Improve Your Conversion

Date: Wed, July 10, 2024 at 2:30 AM (UTC) · 1 hour
Organized by: Add To Cart
Price: $49

"Join Ilan Hurwitz, Founder of CRO & UX consultancy Clever Conversions (ex-Optus), as he shows how anyone can run simple UX research and testing on their eCommerce website to find ways to improve their conversion rate.

Using proven frameworks, case studies, and live walkthroughs, Ilan will teach you the fundamentals of UX testing that you can implement immediately."

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Jul 10

Will AI Kill the Human Test Users? 🆓

Date: Wed, July 10, 2024 at 9:00 AM (UTC) · 1 hour
Organized by: TestingTime
Price: Free

"OpenAI made services like SyntheticUsers.com possible. Is this the beginning of the end for TestingTime?

As the founder of TestingTime, Reto Lämmler, is often asked if this will be the beginning of the end for his company.

He conducted a classic series of interviews with test users from TestingTime, and simultaneously he did the same series of interviews using SyntheticUsers.com. He then analysed and compared both approaches and the resulting outcomes. So, does the human or the machine win?"

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Jul 10

UX Research Strategies for Starting with the Perfect Problem-Solution Fit 🆓

Date: Wed, July 10, 2024 at 6:00 PM (UTC) · 1 hour
Organized by: CrowdSolve
Price: Free

"Join CrowdSolve's next AMA featuring Michal Wisniowski and Shokai Sinclair from Cameo Collective who will share essential strategies for user experience research starting with the perfect problem-solution fit. Bring your questions and learn from the experts!"

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Jul 11

How to Responsibly Incorporate AI into Our UX Practices 🆓

Date: Thu, July 11, 2024 at 4:00 AM (UTC) · 1 hour
Organized by: Members. Co.Ltd , PopInsight company
Price: Free

"In this program, Ms. Campbell will explain some popular uses for Artificial Intelligence (AI) in websites and applications, and how AI may be used more effectively and responsibly when the User Experience (UX) team is engaged.

We will discuss common ways that AI is used in design, research, and product management, and potential risks or concerns that we should be aware of. AS UX professionals we want to protect our customers from harm. By better understanding how AI works, and its benefits and shortcomings, we can help ensure safe and fair use of AI by our organizations."

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Jul 11

Bringing a Customer Journey Mindset to Your Team 🆓

Date: Thu, July 11, 2024 at 3:00 PM (UTC) · 1 hour
Organized by: UXPressia
Price: Free

"In this talk, we will explore why bringing the customer journey close to all of your employees will positively impact your business, your employees, and, of course, your customers.

​Marie Kolie, Customer Success Manager at Taikonauten, will talk about how you can leverage the structure and insights generated from the customer journey to empower your internal teams to become business experts."

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Jul 11

HOLY UX Meetup München (In-Person German Event) 🆓

Date: Thu, July 11, 2024 at 4:30 PM (UTC) · 3.5 hours
Organized by: SKOPOS NOVA GmbH
Price: Free

"Erlebe geballtes UX-Wissen und inspirierende Vorträge in entspannter Atmosphäre. Sei Teil einer einzigartigen Community von UX-Enthusiasten, nutze die Chance für ungezwungenen Austausch und knüpfe wertvolle Verbindungen.

Am Campus SDI treffen sich mitten im aufstrebenden Stadtteil Obersendling internationale Studierende und Dozierende aus über 70 Ländern.

Das Thema des Abends lautet "UX für Alle!?" und wir freuen uns diese These aus 3 spannenden Blickwinkeln zu beleuchten."

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Jul 23

Introduction to Service Design 🆓

Date: Tue, July 23, 2024 at 4:00 PM (UTC) · 1.5 hours
Organized by: UXtweak
Price: Free

"Join us for an Intro to Service Design from a UX Lens, where we'll explore the foundational principles, background, and methodologies of Service Design, and examine how these concepts intersect with UX. This talk will provide a comprehensive overview of Service Design and demonstrate its relevance and application in creating great user experiences."

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Jul 26

Evangelizing Research: Whose Job Is It? 🆓

Date: Fri, July 26, 2024 at 6:00 PM (UTC) · 1 hour
Organized by: UX Researcher's Guild
Price: Free

"Disseminating and socializing research findings is expected of most UX Researchers, but is it really your responsibility to make sure your research findings are driving decisions?

At this UX Research Rumble, we will discuss the pros and cons of holding UX Researchers accountable for the impact of their work."

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Jul 30

Empowering UX Research & Customer Listening 🆓

Date: Tue, July 30, 2024 at 4:00 PM (UTC) · 1 hour
Organized by: UXDX
Price: Free

"An online series consisting of two talks that bridge the gap between Product, UX, Design and Dev to build better products together faster.

  • The Power of 'No' in UX Research: Asserting Influence and Driving Product Strategy

  • Harnessing Continuous Customer Listening for Business Success."

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About the Author
Phillis Chang

Phillis is a Content Marketing Strategist at Condens. As a content creator, she produces both long and short-form content in various formats, from blog articles and social media posts to video snippets. She is passionate about ensuring that her work is high-quality and strives to publish content that is both informative and actionable for the UX research community.

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